Xbox One // The infinite power of the cloud \\ 1+360=1 || #XB1NoDRM || DisKinected



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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW


---------- Beitrag um 01:06 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 01:01 Uhr ----------

Bisher gab es für die XB1 überhaupt keine Downloadhistory im www. Wie ich gerade zufällig gesehen habe kann man nun seine Spiele betrachten :):


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Rage :)

RAGE, Killer Is Dead and Shred Nebula are coming to Xbox One Backward Compatibility today

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lol. Ich glaube nicht daß viele Spieler das kaufen.


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Die VLC UWA ist mittlerweile im XB-Store ~yey~.

Man kann auch Medien in den App-Speicher kopieren.

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Toller Webstore: "This app does not work on your device." ja, aber vielleicht will ich es auch für ein anderes Gerät kaufen ~awman~. Zudem habe ich es bereits gekauft und das wird einem nicht mal angezeigt ~fuckthatshit~


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Der VLC ist grundsätzlich eine tolle Sache. Background Musik geht auch damit :)

2 Dinge sind aber ziemlich doof:

Es wird immer nur 1 Datei abgespielt. Ich habe keine Möglichkeit gefunden ein Verzeichnis abzuspielen.

Ich würde gerne Streams im Hintergrund hören. Dazu habe ich Playlisten (.pls .m3u ...) auf USB Storage kopiert. Im Dateibrowser zeigt er mir die aber überhaupt nicht an :(

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Die UWA hat - anders als die alten Apps - kein "Savegame" auf der Xbox. Wird vermutlich alles im App-Speicher gespeichert. d.h. es kann auch nur alles zusammen gelöscht werden.

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Wegen der kostenlosen Forza-Sachen habe ich auf der Konsole selbst zum ersten mal in den Avatar-Store geschaut.
Gleicher Schwachsinn wie im Web. Man kann dort nur mit hinterlegter Kreditkarte "kaufen". WTF????

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Vielleicht sollte ich dazu mal die 360 starten. :kopfpatsch:

Ist da überall das gleiche im Avatar-Store?


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Mass Effect 2 & 3 @360 sind nun kompatibel, und in dem EA Access drin

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und irgendwas größeres soll diese Woche noch verkündet werden ~hmm~

---------- Beitrag 08.11.2016 um 00:03 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag 07.11.2016 um 23:27 Uhr ----------

As noted, Project Scorpio was unveiled at E3 2016 as the "most powerful console ever made," but apparently, Scorpio wasn't intended for an E3 unveiling at all. The PlayStation 4 Pro leaks weeks prior led Microsoft to show their hand early, having previously only shown the early Scorpio dev kits to a few developers and publishers.

The change in plans might have been what led to the rumored Xbox streaming stick to being canceled, apparently at the last minute.

The Coalition has previously confirmed that Gears of War 4 is ready to run at a 4K resolution on Project Scorpio. This is because Project Scorpio can run 4K Windows 10 Store Universal Windows Platform (UWP) games natively. If you've played Gears of War 4, Forza Horizon 3 or Rise of the Tomb Raider at a 4K resolution on a high-end PC, you already have an idea of how gorgeous games will look on Project Scorpio.
Our source told us that any game programmed natively for UWP on Windows 10 will run on Project Scorpio with a trivial amount of changes. This has always been Microsoft's vision for UWP.
Our source told us that Project Scorpio dev kits will be a "one-stop shop" for all Xbox platform development. Project Scorpio will be able to mimic an Xbox One at a hardware level so developers can test how their games scale between different power levels. This system is known internally as Project Helix.
When a game is being run by a customer, it will detect the hardware making the runtime request and unpack the correct assets dynamically. Since UWP games on PC already support most Xbox features, including controllers, there will be a minimal amount of work involved when bringing PC UWP games to the Xbox consoles. Our source told us that games such as Gears of War 4, ReCore, Rise of the Tomb Raider and Forza Horizon 3 are already using this system on Xbox One and Windows 10 PCs today. There's also a fair chance the new Call of Duty on the Windows 10 Store is also using this system to prepare for Scorpio, but without seeing the app's manifest, there's no way to know for sure.
Project Centennial in a gaming context, as demonstrated by Phil Spencer back at Build 2016, is a system that allows a developer to take a Win32 game (typical of Steam) and easily wrap it for deployment on the Windows 10 Store. Microsoft demonstrated how Win32 games like Age of Empires II HD and The Witcher 3 could be prepared for the Windows 10 Store as .appx files with relative ease.

However, according to our source, Project Centennial is not being used for Project Scorpio at all. Games packaged for UWP this way are still, at their core, Win32, which means that Project Scorpio and the Xbox One will not be able to run them. Some have speculated that Scorpio might have had a more PC-like architecture, allowing Centennial games to run on the system, paving the way for Windows sizable gaming backlog to hit the console. The fact Scorpio will require developers to build their games natively, either for UWP or via the XDK, ensures that Microsoft will keep their promise of Scorpio having no exclusives vs. the original Xbox One (with the exception of VR).

Finally, Project Scorpio will run on the Xbox One OS, with additional features that support VR and 4K gaming. Whether it will retain the same visual interface is unknown, but considering Project Scorpio is designed to sit alongside the Xbox One, rather than supersede it, it makes sense.

---------- Beitrag um 00:16 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 00:03 Uhr ----------
"Hobart" was the codename for Microsoft's Xbox streaming stick, and the device was pretty much ready to go. Microsoft was due to order 300,000 units for manufacture, set to launch a few weeks after E3 2016. A change in plans led to the device being canned, however, and while we don't know the exact reason why the leak of the PlayStation 4 Pro might have had something to do with it.

Our source told us that Project Scorpio was never intended for an E3 2016 announcement, but the leak and subsequent announcement of the PlayStation 4 Pro, codenamed "Neo," tipped Microsoft's hand.

Project Hobart would have been a $99 dongle, with low computational power — albeit powerful enough to run UWP apps and even light UWP games. The stick would also be capable of streaming your Xbox One or Project Scorpio over your home WiFi, presumably via the Windows 10 Xbox app.

If I had to speculate, I would suggest that Hobart was developed to run Windows 10 IoT. Microsoft recently canceled the development of a Microsoft Band 3 wearable after they failed to get it to run Windows IoT. It's hard not to wonder whether the cancellations are somehow related. Perhaps Microsoft wanted to keep the attention firmly on the Xbox One S and Project Scorpio. It's hard to say.


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Also bei aller Liebe...Aber ich glaube kaum das die PS4 Pro Leaks Microsoft von dem Streaming Stick abgehalten haben. Das sind ja zwei völlig unterschiedliche Produkte. Da ist es schon viel wahrscheinlicher, dass man die Scorpio früher als geplant vorgestellt hat.


Das heutige Dashboardupdate war auf jedenfall super und hat in meinen Augen ein paar sinnvolle Details hinzugefügt.

Mir ist nur jetzt bei meinen 2 Systemupdates aufgefallen, das er die Daten bis 85-90% schnell lädt und dann die restlichen Prozente "künstlich" ausgebremst werden. Keine Ahnung woran das liegt.
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