Tekken Tag Tournament 2

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Das passt schon Ivy aus Soul Calibur müsste doch inzwischen auch längst über 50 sein :D XD
Alte Frauen gibts nicht bei Namco :ugly:

Von den neuen Charas gefallen mir Kunimitsu Jinpachi und Ogre am besten bisher, total geile moves !
Ogre's Invisible Neck breaker ist der Hammer :okay:

Die sollen mal endlich die Collectors Edition bei amazon zum vorbestellen freigeben..
PSN-Name: NT-proBNP
Spielt gerade: Tales of Xillia 2, Until Dawn
Weiß jemand, welcher Händler für Vorbesteller die DLC-Codes für Michelle und Angel anbietet? Amazon hat leider nur Kunimitsu und Ogre und wenn ich die Wahl habe, nehme ich lieber die anderen beiden.

Greek God

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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
~challengeaccepted~ Musst aber viel üben gary wenn ich da an unsere alten Fights denke^^ ~notsure~
Ist Lei nicht mehr dein main Char?

Edit: fett nur 70€ !!!!!!!
Lohnt sich für mich alleine wegen dem Soudtrack schon und Steelbook ist echt schick.
Danke für die Info dahein

hier nochmal n Bild
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Held vom Erdbeerfeld
Würde ich mir direkt vorbestellen ABER da es sich hie rum Namco handelt und mir damals -in Nord Amerika- eine LE von Ace Combat versprochen haben ja dann leider...moment...
verfickt nochmal gecancelt haben diese verlogenen Schweinepriester und sie nur in EU rausgebracht haben
, erstmal einen großen Bogen darum machen und Tee trinken.
PSN-Name: NT-proBNP
Spielt gerade: Tales of Xillia 2, Until Dawn
Ich finde den Preis ein bisschen gar billig wenn man den Vergleich zur CE von Soul Calibur V zieht, wo für 10€ mehr statt eines Artbooks ein Mini-Artbook im Kinderbuchformat enthalten war. Die CE von Tekken 6 war ja da noch teurer und enthielt weniger Goodies...

Aber egal, vorbestellt :D

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Fan Demands Elicit A Response From Tekken Series Producer Harada

Of late, some rather vocal Tekken fans appear to have touched a nerve, making demands of the series’ producer, Katsuhiro Harada.

In particular, the subject of voice-acting and including certain characters in Tekken Tag Tournament 2, which have been among the demands, seem to have caused Harada considerable grief, and this week, the game designer replied with a lengthy message over Twitter (via Eurogamer). Harada’s message, in full, follows below:

I have something I want to say to the people who spam me with requests to "switch back (or Bring back) to the voice actors used previously".

I believe that, before whining and complaining about everything, you need practice at taking a step back and analyzing things objectively. And also at being an adult.

First, the voice you were listening to was 16 years ago, during the PlayStation period. The current generation of consoles are totally different in how they play back sound; both software-wise, and the internal circuitry.

The playback program is different, as well as the sound effects added; reverb and 5.1 are examples of this. The compression rate, as well as the sound rate, is different today. Are you playing games on the same TV you used 16 years ago? What about your speakers? Headphones? They are all the same as 16 years ago? I wonder if it will sound like the same voice as 16 years ago, even with that data..
Also, you are assuming the voice actors themselves can reproduce the voice the recorded 16 years ago? Many voice actors decline work because their voice has changed since the original role, some have even retired. Sometimes they won’t accept, even if we ask.

The recording studio and the equipment they use is also different. With all of this in mind, you still thing it is possible to recreate these voices? Some might say "just pay them to reuse the voice data". But, often the voice actors decline this, or their agency declines.

For example, Brian’s laugh is the actual data from Tekken 3. As fans have requested, we’ve kept using the original, adapting the data recorded 16 years ago to be used on the PS2, and then PS3. Even so, some people said it is a different voice in Tekken 6 than the original.

It can’t be helped they might think that. As explained above, even though the master data is the same, all of the equipment used in adapting it has completely changed. That said, it isn’t a good idea to try to re-create the older recording environment because then the data sounds heavily compressed, with noise. More than that, it would sound out of place next to the voice data of the newer characters.

WHAT? You say some of the voices sound like they haven’t changed at all? I guess you didn’t notice that the development team has re-recorded them, but made efforts for it to sound as close as possible to the original. And you probably didn’t even notice.

Do you know that all of the voice work for a character is not always done by just one voice actor? Using Brian as an example, the laugh you guys love so much uses the original data from Tekken 3, but the short kiai voice uses a different voice actor, and the "come on!" voice also uses a different voice actor. A lot of other characters also use different voice actors for the spoken lines and for the shouts.

I did the voice work for Marshal and Forest for 15 years. However, I can no longer produce that voice after Tekken 5, so we had a different voice actor for Tekken 6.

The Tekken series has continued for 17 years. The development environment, as well as the environment in which you all play games, has changed. There are so many characters, and we can’t keep using he same voice actors every time, for a variety of reasons.

I have even complied to the requests of you all spamming me to "bring back characters" from previous installments. You often say, "let’s show the dev team how sincere we are by buying 2 copies if they bring back character X", but did you really go through with it? Expecting you to at least pre-order the game, I was met with more spam, after you apparently didn’t notice that Jun and Michelle actually return.

I still have some characters left to be revealed that comply with some of your requests, even "bringing back" several others. Even so, none of them are paid DLC. I will continue to sincerely comply with fan requests.

However, I can’t continue to engage the negative ones that, without knowing what you are talking about, or even thinking about what you are saying, blindly repeat "bring back, bring back, bring back…"

After this lengthy explanation, I will be quite surprised if there are still people who still don’t get it. Thanks for understanding or not understanding. Whatever.

Tekken Tag Tournament 2 will be released on September 11th in North America and September 14th in Europe for the Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. A Wii U version of the game will follow this holiday season with additional features.

Note: Harada’s message slightly edited to fix spelling errors.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Snoop Dogg : Behind the scenes

Also ich kanns schon verstehen wie manche durchdrehen wenn ihr lieblings Char verändert wird (Stimme,Moveset oder Look was auch immer) Mann baut ja über die Jahre ne gewisse Beziehung zum Char auf.Und wenn plötzlich ne "schlechte veränderung" kommt,(Hängt vom Geschmack des Users ab) fällt es umso mehr ins Gewicht.
Wenn mein fav. Char irgendwie so verändert wird das es mir nicht gefällt, wäre ich natürlich auch mad!
Aber ich würde noch lange nicht auf Twitter anfangen da die devs zu terrorisieren....:ugly:~lol~
Irgendwann gewöhnt mann sich schon dran .... muss mann wenn mann nicht n neuen Char lernen will:D xD


Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Neue Stage

Unknown playable ?

Ingesamt habe ich glaube ich 3 neue Stages im vid gezählt.

Immer diese Japaner:ugly:
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PSN-Name: NT-proBNP
Spielt gerade: Tales of Xillia 2, Until Dawn
Miharu aus Tekken 4 taucht im Trailer scheinbar auch auf. Sie, Unknown und Forest Law sind wohl die Charaktere, die Ende der Woche präsentiert werden.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Special tag 2 unlockables from tekken hybrid save data

A fan of Blood Vengeance and hoping for the character’s costumes to make it into Tag 2? Look no further.

Baraka from Tekken Zaibatsu (Also known as FlyingWonkey on this site) made a post yesterday about exclusive Blood Vengeance costumes available for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, along with a special character skin. All the information you need to know is in the post below. Enjoy.

Um, okay this is a bit weird but I’ll post it anyway. Found on 2ch.

AC用拳闘気(赤 &アケ用LED3種


There is an AC (Ace Combat?) designed LED background and a special Shunya Yamashita costume being special collaboration DLC for console TTT2.

It also says that If you own TTT2 Prologue and it recognizes your save data when loading up TTT2, it will give you the following:

Xiaoyu & Alisa schoolgirls costumes for use in TTT2
Devil Jin & Devil Kazuya BV devil costumes
Shin Kamiya as a playable character in TTT2 (It states that he will be a replaceable ‘skin’ for Jin Kazama)

These Prologue bonuses will not be available for the 360 version.

Note: Waiting on official confirmation !!!

ahhhh die ultra devils sehen schon echt cool aus!! aber dafür extra prologue kaufen ?
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