Shenmue III

PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
Und fertig isses:
69.320 Unterstützer haben 6.333.295 $ beigetragen, um die Verwirklichung des Projekts zu ermöglichen.
Ich glaube allerdings nicht, dass die Physical Copies irgendwann irgendwas wert sind. Dazu ist auch hier die Auflage viel zu hoch.
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: krazzo
Jetzt muss nur noch 2 - 3 Jahre gewartet werden. :)
Arbeiten an Shenmue III haben begonnen

22.07.15 - Yu Suzuki und Ys Net geben bekannt, dass die Arbeiten an Shenmue III begonnen haben. Suzuki bedankt sich bei den Unterstützern und Fans, die zur erfolgreichen Kickstarter-Finanzierung beigetragen haben, wo das Spiel USD 6,33 Mio. eingenommen hat. Release: Ende 2017 (Europa)


I am a bot ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW

This is a translation of an article that was published in the September 2001 edition of the Dorimaga magazine. In it, Yu Suzuki and some of the Japanese voice actors talk about the completion of Shenmue II (released for the Dreamcast in Japan during the month this article was published) including some of the content that had to be cut from the release, and reflect back on their experiences over the previous 5 years they spent on the Shenmue project.

Part of this article (about Chapter 2) was translated by Kiyuu and discussed back in 2003. Also a short manga version of the Chapter 2 boat scenario is included as unlockable content on the Xbox version of Shenmue II.
PSN-Name: Speichellecker
Spielt gerade: mit wachsender Begeisterung an sich selbst rum
Irgendwie schon bissel seltsam. Vor allem warum? Die überwiegende Mehrheit dürfte backed haben, wenn sie denn wollte. Denke nicht, dass da jetzt nochmal der riesen Ansturm erfolgt.


Well-known member
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Spielt gerade: Driveclub
Irgendwie schon bissel seltsam. Vor allem warum? Die überwiegende Mehrheit dürfte backed haben, wenn sie denn wollte. Denke nicht, dass da jetzt nochmal der riesen Ansturm erfolgt.
Es hieß ja im Statement dass es Anfragen gab! Abgesehen davon werden's wohl noch nicht genug Geld zusammen haben. Ist doch legitim, ich habs auf Kickstarter auch verpasst.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: maxmontezuma
Spielt gerade: Hogwarts Legacy
SEGA is looking into re-releasing Shemue & Shenmue II

Sega Europe's marketing director Jon Rooke comments on MarketingWeek

Listening to fans remains key to Sega’s strategy. For years hardcore gamers have called for Sega to release a third title in the Dreamcast’s Shenmue series, which is set around a teenage martial arts expert in rural China.

But their pleas were repeatedly ignored until earlier this year when its original developer Yu Suzuki unexpectedly announced a $2m kickstarter campaign in order to get Shenmue 3 finally made after Sega handed him over the license. The hugely popular campaign ultimately raised over $6m and became the sixth most funded campaign in the crowdfunding website’s history.”

“Yes, we want to innovate and back smarthphones and virtual reality but our key purpose is to go back to what the brand used to stand for and I think the buzz around Shenmue 3 shows that people love our legacy,” adds Rooke, who says Sega is exploring ways to re-release the original two Shenmue titles.

“Sega was an innovator, the Dreamcast was offering online gaming as early as 1998. But perhaps back then we were pushing boundaries a little too soon. Nowadays we know what we’re good at and the strategy is to be more gradual. Over the next few years, we want to use engaging content and marketing to remind the public why they fell in love with Sega in the first place.”