Metro Redux

PSN-Name: snickerz
Spielt gerade: Bloodborne, Dark Souls 2
So einiges...

- ständige Freezes
- Script Fehler, sprich eine bestimmte Szene triggert nicht und es geht nicht weiter
- viele Trophäen verbuggt, so zB die für den Stealth Playthrough wo man nicht töten darf. Die KI läuft zB ins Wasser und ersäuft wodurch die Trophy am Arsch ist.
- Sound Fehler en masse
- Grafische Bugs sind auch keine Seltenheit

Alles in allem eines der unsaubersten Games die ich letzte Gen gespielt habe. Der erste Teil auf der Box soll noch schlimmer gewesen sein als Last Light...
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: maxmontezuma
Spielt gerade: Hogwarts Legacy
#46 :ugly:

Es gibt doch tatsächlich Leute, die mit dem Preis von Metro Redux nicht zufrieden sind. Ausschnitt:

On Steam, users have complained that the upgraded builds ought to have been released for free – despite the fact that those who own the original got a 50% discount on the new versions.

“This response blindsided us a little. We have taken our time to review the concerns and arguments and offer a proper response,” 4A Games wrote on Steam.

The developer said “almost the entire team of around 80 people at 4A Games will have been working on the Metro Redux titles for almost a year” by the time they release next month.

The project includes significantly updating the 4A engine, as well as upgrading Metro: Last Light and completely rebuilding Metro 2033 to run on the new tech.

“We think the 50% discount is more than fair for the amount of work that has gone into this title. It is a complete remake of the original game in the latest engine, that will offer a significantly different experience from the original throughout with improved graphics, performance and gameplay,” 4A Games wrote.

The team admitted that Last Light has not had such a huge rebuild as Metro 2033, but said that because of the nature of the change it made – an engine rewrite – it was literally impossible to just patch in new additions. 4A also pointed out that Last Light Redux does come with all DLC.

“We understand that for those of you who already had the DLC, the offer is not as compelling – again, we are not pretending this is as significant an overhaul as Metro 2033,” the developer went on.

“And we did consider alternatives – e.g. 50% if you only owned the base game, 75% if you owned all the DLC – but these ideas raised a number of practical / logistical challenges. In the end, a flat 50% discount was judged to be the simplest, fairest solution. Ultimately, you are free to vote with your wallets.”

In fact, if you vote againts the upgrade, “that’s fine” – 4A loves you regardless.
Schlimm, dass sich Entwickler für sowas auch schon rechtfertigen müssen. Wie können die Leute bitte erwarten, dass es sowas kostenlos gibt, wenn die CoD Devs mit Waffenskins und Voice Packs Geld machen? Man sieht doch, dass in Metro ordentlich Arbeit reingesteckt wurde...
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: maxmontezuma
Spielt gerade: Hogwarts Legacy
Ich greife grundsätzlich bei allem was Retail erscheint zur Retail-Version (okay, außer bei Trials Fusion :( ) Auch wenn mich das Disc wechseln oft stört, aber das tu ich mir dann doch lieber an, dafür habe ich ein schniekes Spiel bzw. Hülle im Schrank stehen :ugly: