Dragon Ball Z Ultimate Tenkaichi

PSN-Name: Mekuri-TD
Spielt gerade: PS Vita
Oh Gott ja !! Englische Synchro :D
Der Soundtrack ist aber auch echt gut ^^
Wenn man Ingame alles miterlebt, statt nur Hintergrundgeräusche von den Messen, kommt das Game viel viel besser rüber.
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systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: underkane89
Spielt gerade: Spider-Man 2
Naja geht so, haut mich nicht vom Hocker :D

eine coole Sache wäre es auch gewesen Vegeta auf dem PS3 Cover und Son Goku auf dem X-Box Cover zu drucken, oder anders rum.
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PSN-Name: Mekuri-TD
Spielt gerade: PS Vita
Ganz cool. Ich bin echt froh, dass ich keine Xbox 360 besitze. Die grünne Fläche ist ja so was von unpassend bei den meisten Cover.
Btw es wurde noch nicht erwähnt wie viele Characktere dabei sein werden oder? Ich habe ein bisschen schiss, dass es am ende ''nur'' 30 wären.
Sonst werben die ja immer mit 100 playable Charakters usw.
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: Mekuri-TD
Spielt gerade: PS Vita
Hoffentlich sind die Cutscenes diesmal etwas dynamischer gestalten. Die Boss Sequenzen haben mich bereits überzeugt. Nur habe ich bei den ''Normalen'' bedenken, dass sich zwei Charas gegenüberstehen und nur bisl Mund aufmachen so wie in RB 2. Wobei schon die Boss Sequenzen würden mir schon reichen, da ich in früheren Games noch nie was besseres als das hatte :ugly: Würde den Scan gerne näher betrachten können. Also High Resolution ^^
PSN-Name: Mekuri-TD
Spielt gerade: PS Vita
Das wäre geil wenn mit riesigem Areal, die Stelle im Weltraum wo Bardock, Freeza und seinen Handlangern gegenübersteht. Erstmal sich hindurchkämpfen und dann den Todesball kassieren wär cool :ugly:
Spielt gerade: dies mal das
neues Interview:

I just found this interview made by Koji Nakajima Hiroyuki Kaneko & Expo in Japan:

Interview & Koji Nakajima Hiroyuki Kaneko

There are series like that, that continue to thrill fans for years after the grand finale. There you have several choices, but the two that come to mind are inevitably Saint Seiya and Dragon Ball. This is great, because Namco Bandai is present on Japan Expo, which acquired its two licenses. Here is our interview with the producers of the next installment in DB: Tenkaichi Dragon Ball Z Ultimate, scheduled for October 28 on the HD consoles.

Can you introduce yourself and describe your background?

I'm Hiroyuki Kaneko, producer Spike society that deals with this new game Dragon Ball. I'm Koji Nakajima, producer of the Ultimate Dragon Ball Tenkaichi.

In terms of gameplay, what are the main innovations of the game compared to previous parts Tenkaichi?

Kaneko-san: The game will be much more simple and accessible. The goal is to reach younger and older people. Ultimate Dragon Ball Tenkaichi further includes introducing a new mode of giant characters like Vegeta changing gorilla.

Can you tell us about the number of characters? In the previous installment Tenkaichi, there were already a lot ... Do we discover the characters ever seen so far?

Kaneko-san: All the characters in Dragon Ball Z and Dragon Ball GT will be present, as well as many bosses as Vegeta gorilla. But we do not yet know how many playable characters there will be exactly.

Akira Toriyama been involved in some way this game?

Nakajima-san: Mr. Toriyama follows far the development of the game knows that we are among its biggest fans, we are so confident. We have had contact with him, but we have not really worked together.

Ultimate Tenkaichi Dragon Ball includes a special mode for, from what we read, learn Dragon Ball in a different light. Can you tell us more?

Nakajima-san: A new combo system was set up in this album. We can not say more for now, but it is this new system will change the looks of the players.

What are your favorite characters?

Nakajima-san: Piccolo. (Laughs)
Kaneko-san: Yamcha. (Laughs)

Will he animated sequences in the game?
Nakajima-san: Yes, absolutely.

In Ultimate Tenkaichi Dragon Ball, the sets will be destructible. They are restored during the fight? Their destruction has an impact on the gameplay?

Nakajima-san: The whole environment can be destroyed. This does not restore. For example, if a Kamehameha destroy a mountain, the scenery is well throughout the fight. One of the novelties of this album is that it can see the craters appear everywhere, and to finish a fight in a totally different map after being destroyed.

Question a little more personal: the manga or the anime Dragon Ball have they impacted your life?

Nakajima-san: I was reading and watching Dragon Ball was young. And Then when I was playing video games, I thought he really had me working on video game Dragon Ball. It is a vocation since I was child.

Are there any other manga, Dragon Ball except that you appreciate?

Nakajima-san: One Piece (everyone laughs).

Dragon Ball is a popular license in Japan and France. Do you feel a particular pressure to adapt this license?
Nakajima-san: I'm very happy to come to France to Japan Expo to present this game, and there's really no pressure. This is the second time I come to Paris.

During the interview, members of the staff were playing Namco Bandai Dragon Ball Ultimate Tenkaichi behind us. This allowed us to see that the game provided a very large depth of field (the management of distance will be capital) and the fact that the fighting against the giant characters, including Vegeta gorilla ahead impressive. You'll also notice that in the event Namco Bandai, Nakajima-san said that the game would cover the beginning of Dragon Ball Z to the end of the arc Boo. However, Hiroyuki Kaneko us well said that the characters in Dragon Ball GT (which is a specific part of the anime) would be present. This announces a range of characters especially important! Namco Bandai seems to really be attached to the games we offer the most complete possible. As Naruto Ultimate Ninja Storm Generations, the Ultimate Dragon Ball Z Tenkaichi therefore include a number of playable characters among the highest in a fighting game in recent years (as already included in Raging Blast 2 over 90, it has been almost afraid .. .). What meet the fans, no doubt!

(hab leider kein link weil ich das von ein anderen forum kopiert hab)