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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
1GB Installation auf der 360


Titanfall on the Xbox 360 is the true experience: all the maps, modes, pilots, titans, weapons, burn cards, you name it, found in the Xbox One and PC versions. The game looks great, sounds great, and above all it plays great. There are of course some differences that are due to the technical limitations of the hardware - for example, the game runs above 30fps - but the experts at Respawn worked with us to ensure that all the intense, 6v6 wall-running, titan-dropping action is there.

Über 30fps - damit wirbt selten ein Titel. Avg. 35fps? ~notsure~
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Man ne ganz andere Frage: warum wird die 360-Version eigentlich so wie das ungeliebte uneheliche Kind aus der dritten Beziehung behandelt?

Okay dass MS eher daran interessiert ist die One-Version zu bewerben kann ich verstehen, aber bei EA müsste man doch der verbratenen Kohle nachweinen?
PSN-Name: katak666
Spielt gerade: Batman Arkham Serie
Man ne ganz andere Frage: warum wird die 360-Version eigentlich so wie das ungeliebte uneheliche Kind aus der dritten Beziehung behandelt?

Okay dass MS eher daran interessiert ist die One-Version zu bewerben kann ich verstehen, aber bei EA müsste man doch der verbratenen Kohle nachweinen?
Ich glaub das ist wohl der Grund, warum man bei EA sich gegen einen weiteren Exklusiv Deal entschieden hat.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Interessante news von der Titanfall-Doku:

Another post on Respawn and Sony: MS basically saved the project, Sony didn't want to talk PS4. Their loss :-/
"At the same time the team quietly reached out to Sony to see if it could share any information on the next PlayStation, another potential target platform. Respawn quickly found out that Sony wasn't ready to talk about its plans for PS4. Instead, Sony offered to help with developing a version of R1 for the hand-held PlayStation Vita platform.
Concerned about Sony's lack of disclosure, programmer Jon Shiring took one of his contacts to dinner and explained that the window of opportunity was about to close. "I can't emphasize this enough; decisions are being made about our game and we really need to know about the next PlayStation," he said to his friend from Sony over dinner.
It didn't work-Sony simply wasn't ready to talk PS4."
MS hat schon früh über ihre nächste Konsole gesprochen, Sony war noch nicht soweit, wollten eher einen Vita-Port was Respawn am Arsch vorbeiging.

Aber das Entscheidende:
It should be noted that up to this point, Titanfall was a PS3/360 title and this was when they were planning to jump it up to next-gen.

Also, regarding the EA getting money from MS, the reason was because people at EA wanted Riccitiello and Gibeau to pull the plug on the project. The only way to keep it alive was for the money to come from outside EA, which Microsoft provided.
Bei EA wollte man den Stecker ziehen und die Investoren wollten definitiv keine Kohle verlieren. Entsprechend musste der alte EA Boss Riccitiello eine andere Geldquelle finden -> MS
Ohne dieser Finanzspritze wäre titanfall selbst für PC und One gestorben, SP wurde schon davor gestrichen und EA konnte bzw. musste dann auch entsprechend freundlich auf MS-Forderungen reagieren aka kein PS-Port.



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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Just to clarify, Microsoft were meeting with Respawn in January 2012 about Durango.
Keighley describes one particularly harrowing meeting in July of 2012. Not long after the lawsuit was settled, Respawn employees got a meeting invitation titled "Come to Jesus." The purpose:P

"What West hoped would be a constructive dialectic turned into an all-out lynching," Keighley writes. "Pent-up feelings burst into the open. Employee after employee complained about the rushed way the lawsuit had been settled. Many attacked West directly and complained that he hadn't properly balanced his time between the lawsuit and the game, which he had largely ignored for the better part of a year."P

In early 2013, Kotaku broke news that West had left Respawn. We'd heard that he left for family issues—namely, that he was moving to be closer to his mom, who had come down with a respiratory illness—but there's more to the story: the lawsuits and difficulty at Respawn drove West away from the company he helped found.
It also mentions that at a point later in development, Zampella and West sat down with Riccitiello to tell him that they didn't have enough manpower to develop for any consoles other than Xbone and, maybe, PC, and that Respawn was essentially out of money and the game would need to be delayed and that they'd cut single player. EA ended up having to find the funding for the project with a first party, and Microsoft were willing to put up the money to actually finish the game.

---------- Beitrag um 10:44 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 10:40 Uhr ----------

Man kann die Story bei Steam kaufen - seit wann gibt's dort nicht-Spieleanwendungen?
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Was man muss sich die Doku kaufen? Dachte das wäre eine frei erhältliche doku über die Entstehung des Spiels wie sie der eine oder andere Entwickler im Vorfeld schon veröffentlicht.

Liest sich insgesamt nicht so super. Einer der Gründer ist gegangen, weil die Angestellten angepisst waren, dass er mehr vor Gericht sitzt als im Studio, Kohle ging aus und EA konnte nicht einspringen, Singleplayer wurde aus Geldgründen fallen gelassen und nicht wie die PR-Scheiße sagt "weil das eh keiner zockt"....

Sorry dass ich das so sage, aber ich wäre da auch nicht finanziell eingestiegen bei sovielen Problemen. Sehr mutig von MS und ehrlich gesagt würde ich es da auch verstehen, wenn der nachfolger exklusiv kommen würde. Immerhin gäbe es ohne MS Teil 1 garnicht.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Die Entwicklung hat von dem Rechtsstreit nicht gerade profitiert:

Activision's bitter lawsuit with Respawn over the departure of co-founders Vince Zampella and Jason West is covered in detail - "almost half the company" would regularly be pulled away from development for multi-hour legal meetings with lawyers.

"Often those discussions would spill over into the afternoon with debates about the latest legal maneuver," the app's author Geoff Keighley writes, in an excerpt published by Kotaku. "The rest of the company was supposed to be heads-down working on the game, but one Google Alert about the lawsuit sent development into a tailspin for the rest of the afternoon."


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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Xbox and PC game Titanfall was originally prototyped running on a Ratchet & Clank engine
Plus, it's been revealed that an earlier version of the game had you starting in a titan, only to become a pilot as an "extra life."
Insomniac Games founder Ted Price called Respawn Entertainment cofounder Vince Zampella in July 2010 to tell him he could freely use Insomniac's "Luna" engine to make the game that would become Titanfall.

Price and Zampella were already friends and were both in similar situations, working on games to be published by Electronic Arts. (Insomniac's game was the co-op shooter Fuse). Because of their existing friendship and because Price wanted to help Respawn succeed, he offered up the engine, which powered Ratchet & Clank: A Crack In Time, and Respawn prototyped Titanfall--then known as R1--for a period of one year using that technology.

It's also revealed in the feature that EA offered to let Respawn use the technology behind Lord of the Rings Conquest and The Saboteur from the since-closed studio Pandemic Studios. Respawn also considered using Epic Games' Unreal Engine, but decided against it because developers feared they would not be able to achieve 60fps in that engine. EA finally switched over to Valve's Source Engine, which runs the final version of Titanfall.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Also die Geschichte um das Spiel ist viel interessanter als das Spiel selbst. Als nächstes kommt eine News, dass man die Source nur genommen hat, weil die Valve gratis hergab, weil Gabe Acti eines auswischen wollte.
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PSN-Name: AngelVsMadman
Kann es sein, dass Respawn intern schon versucht für den Nachfolger die Engine auf die PS4 zu porten? Ja
Kann es sein, nachdem MS die Fertigstellung von Teil 1 finanziert, dass die jetzt trotz exklusiv-Vertrag auch auf PS4 veröffentlichen? Nein
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Spielt gerade: GT7 | 60fps FTW
Specifically with regard to the PC version, the most recent patch gives the option to unlock and set the framerate at above 60hz, which is in theory, a good thing. The problem is that the lock-on time for smart weapons is tied to this number, giving a game-crippling competitive advantage for those who abuse it.

Video demonstrating it can be found here.

Edit: They seem to be aware and working on a fix. https://twitter.com/Respawn/status/467006376049250306

Nicht das erste Spiel mit so einem Problem.
Wenn auf den Konsolen die gleiche Mechanik greift sollte man Low-fps-Stellen meiden :ugly:.