Red Dead Redemption

PSN-Name: limehitter
obwohl das verschwinden der charaktäre bedauerlich ist finde ich die entwicklung der beziehung die john zu ihnen hat echt sehr genial. erst fragt er um hilfe, kommt mit gengeleistungen, kommt mit mehr gengeleistungen, wird dann schon echt ungeduldig und ist nur noch am drohen und schimpfen, aber nachdems erledigt ist ist er versöhnlich und man könnte vllt sogar eine spur dankbarkeit entdecken. finde du brauchst nicht nur super charaktäre in ner story, sondern auch eine coole entwicklung solcher. und da ist rdr großes kino
PSN-Name: Zakron
Achja das Evans hat sogar 22 Schuss,stimmt thx! Hab nicht von allen Gewehren die Schussanzahl im Kopf, hab aber denke ich bereits alle Waffen :)
Naja sind in Thieves Landing die Schurken denn agressiver (mal davon abgesehen, dass das ne recht gesetzlose Stadt zu sein scheint)? Wie gesagt wenn ich in Amadillo meine Waffe ziehe, ziehen von den eigentlich mind. 6 Gangstern gerade mal nur 3 die Waffe, der Rest rennt fort :rolleyes:
Werde es erst mal in der Mine da versuchen!
In Thieves Landing ist nahezu jeder bis an die Zähne bewaffnet.
Und das Beste ist, wenn du nicht gerade nen Barbesitzer oder ne Frau erschießt bekommst du auch kein Wanted Level (sind ja schließlich alles Gangster). :D
PSN-Name: flipkick
oha jungs ...!
hab vorgestern n Kumpel mit RDR angefixt... der wills jetzt unbedingt haben...
Wir ham schon überall rumtelefoniert aber im Umkreis von 45km is RDR überall ausverkauft o_O
hart hart ...
Original Red Dead Redemption Artwork: John Marston and His Enemies, Bill Williamson & Walton Lowe

The latest entries into the Red Dead Redemption: Original Artwork Series feature a new illustration of the game's protagonist John Marston, defiantly with crumpled wanted poster in hand, as well as a couple of his notable nemeses...

Walton Lowe - Leader of a gang of reprobates terrorizing the people of Armadillo.

Bill Williamson
- A former friend, but now the man Marston must hunt down for the government.

All three of these original artworks are available from the Downloads page as desktops, backgrounds, icons and avatars, and look for them to be added to the Official Screensaver very soon.
Quelle: Direktlink
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Rockstar Game Tips: Red Dead Redemption Quick Tips

We've put together just a few handy tips and tricks - including a few things you may have missed even if you've been spent your entire past week living in the vast open world of Red Dead Redemption. These are all basic quick tips. We will be providing more advanced tips in the coming weeks.

Fast Travel
- Need to get to another town fast? In single player, approach a Stagecoach Taxi and ride shotgun or as a passenger. And when not in a town, settlement or gang hideout, set up camp whether you're on your horse or walking around on the ground by pressing Select and choosing Campsite (Basic or Improved) in your kit. Setting up camp will give you the option to travel to a waypoint or town within any previously visited area, as well as offering the option to save or change outfits. In multiplayer, make your way to the nearest town and look for the Transport post. Whether with the Stagecoach Taxi or the Transport, select your destination and you're on your way. Both the Stagecoach Taxi and Transport are shown with a wagon wheel icon on your radar and map.

- Want to find out more about the goings-on with characters and the world around you in Red Dead Redemption? Buy a Blackwater Ledger newspaper. They're available at various places around the game world - for instance, from the gentleman on the steps right outside of the train depot at MacFarlane’s Ranch. And be sure to keep reading newspapers even after you’ve completed the storyline.

- Want to tip your hat or say hello to someone as they pass by John in single player? Only when near another person, tap the circle button on PlayStation 3 or the B button on Xbox 360.

- Getting Marston into a sprint is a snap. Hold A on Xbox 360 or X on PlayStation 3 to run. Tapping the same button will gain you a bit more speed and have your character sprint.

Moneymaking and Ammunition
- Loot bodies and find chests for free ammunition and money. One example of where you can find chests is in Pike's Basin. Also check for ammunition in the chests and armoires in your Houses. These properties are on your map in the shape of a green house. You must complete a few missions before getting your first House in MacFarlane's Ranch.

Capturing Bounties Alive
- Once you get the lasso (unlocked by completing missions for Bonnie MacFarlane), you can capture bounties alive and earn more money. Some people will put up a lot of resistance when you are trying to lasso them. Just give them a single non-fatal shot in the arm or leg to immobilize them.

- While one of the smallest animals in the game, rattlesnakes aren't too difficult to find as long as you listen closely when running around or riding on your horse.

Multiplayer Aiming
- Not the type of person that favors aim-assistance? Once you reach level 15 in multiplayer, you will have the option of playing in the Hardcore version of the various multiplayer game types, where aim-assistance is stripped away. (Please note - for the extremely hardcore, we will have some particularly hard levels coming your way soon. Details to follow in a few days or so.)

Health Regeneration
- Your health regenerates if you get injured, both in single player and multiplayer. If you find yourself in the heat of a battle and in danger of dying, use cover with R1 (PS3) or RB (Xbox 360). You can also use medicine to replenish health if you're in the midst of danger and can't get away to hide.

Storyline Completion
- Keep in mind that the storyline is not completely over with until you see the end credits. Even after the credits, you can continue playing any challenges or stranger encounters you wish to finish. (Note: Posting storyline spoilers in the comments will not be tolerated. Please don't ruin other people's game experience. We may well do an Asked & Answered purely on the storyline in a few weeks, but we will ask for the questions nearer that time. Please don't post them here now.)

If you've got a friendly tip or trick to share, feel free to share it with everyone. What's your most reliable weapon? Favorite town? Fave animal to hunt? And let us know any other tips we should cover in the future...
Quelle: Direktlink
PSN-Name: needbackup
Spielt gerade: GTA V
Red Dead Redemption Title Update Coming Next Week

We are aware that there are still some of you out there experiencing issues with Red Dead Redemption, including multiplayer connectivity and getting the Mo Van Barr bounty. We are currently testing a Red Dead Redemption title update for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 that aims to fix these and other items. Due to the unpredictable nature of the testing and console manufacturer submission process, we cannot pin down a very specific date and time, but we do expect this to be released for download for both systems by the end of next week.
Once again, we thank everyone for their continued patience and understanding. As a token of our appreciation for your patience and in gratitude to all the Red Dead fans out there, we are also planning on releasing the Expert Hunter and Savvy Merchant outfits and related challenges later this summer for free.
R* Newswire

Rockstar weiß seine Kunden bei Laune zu halten^^
PSN-Name: Amally
Ham die etwa meine verärgerte Status Nachricht im PSN gelesen? :D ("Moe Van Bug", is doch au wahr! -.-)

Jedenfalls danke für eure Tipps für die 10. Scharfschützen Challenge Jungs, habs gestern hinbekommen! :)
Hab jetzt fast alles auch gestern noch im arschigen Poker gewonnen für ein Kostüm! :bananadance:
PSN-Name: FleXx05
*hust* *hust* Zu denen gehör ich auch... -.-

Entweder kann ich keiner Einladung joinen oder ich fliege 30 Sekunden nach Eintritt wieder raus und so geht das immer.
Total beschissen... :(
Is bei mir genauso. Das ist global ein verbreitetes Problem bei dem Spiel. Bei manchen wurde das Problemchen mit dem Patch behoben. Aber bei den meisten ist gar kein Patch erschienen. Bei mir zB auch nicht.
PSN-Name: needbackup
Spielt gerade: GTA V
Red Dead Redemption DLC: Outlaws to the End Co-Op Mission Pack Coming for Free on June 22nd - Check Out New Screens

The recently announced and free-to-download Outlaws To The End Co-Op Mission Pack for Red Dead Redemption will be available June 22nd for both Xbox LIVE® (requires Xbox LIVE Gold Membership for online play) and PlayStation®Network. The pack includes six all-new co-op multiplayer missions to play with 2-4 players.

Here's a few new exclusive screenshots from some of the co-op missions in the Outlaws To The End Pack we touched on in our earlier announcement. Look for more info and screens on additional co-op missions in the coming weeks, along with information on more downloadable content that will further expand the exciting possibilities that Red Dead Redemption multiplayer offers.

R* Newswire
systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: philley

Mal ne Info an alle die mich wegen RDR geaddet haben, und mich auch sonst im PSN in ihrer Liste haben:

Mich hat heute das YLOD ereilt, bin erstmal ausser Gefecht gesetzt. Nur zur Info, falls ich einige Zeit nicht on bin!


Der Flip
systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: philley
uhh aber dann hast bis zum coop wieder deine ps3 :)
Ich hoffe. Warte erstmal auf irgendeine Aktion irgendeines Händlers bzgl. eines netten PS3-Angebotes.
Ist komisch, aber hab jetzt nicht den ultimativen Drang mir direkt eine neue PS3 zu holen,...:shock:

Kann mir den jemand beantworten ob die Spielstände Accountgebunden (wie bei GTA4) oder Festplattengebunden sind?
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The Brands of Red Dead Redemption

The early 20th century marked the dawn of the consumer and commercial age in America. Red Dead Redemption stays true to this bit of history with a wide range of in-game fictional brands and products you may see advertised, posted and painted on the sides of walls in burgeoning towns throughout the frontier. Here’s a quick taste of a few, which you can get as downloadable desktops from the Downloads section or the Red Dead Redemption official site. Look for more to be posted in the coming weeks.

Wagstaff and Mounts Vim & Vigor Electric Belt

Sexing Livestock Quarterly

White's Big Game Caller Animal Scents

Quelle: Direktlink
---------- Post added at 20:11 ---------- Previous post was at 18:25 ----------

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