Final Fantasy XV


Held vom Erdbeerfeld
Meine Theorie:

All die Schwerter, die Noctis besitzt, sind "leere Gefäße" in der man eine Bestia versiegeln kann und mit der man skillen kann (ähnlich wie das Kopplungssystem in VIII) welche man "on the fly" durchswitchen kann !

Ist die Idee genial oder genial..? 8)
Ich sollte das patentieren lassen...
Geile Idee.
Wäre ich auch für.
ABER...Nee, ich glaube eher wie bei XII.
Erst Bestia besiegen und dann einem Chrakter zuordnen und dann wie bei X und XIII mit diesem Charakter allein steuern!

Es werden gerne weitere Wetten angenommen! :D
Mal zum OST:

Ich hoffe nur der Soundtrack wird wieder besser.
XIII und Anhang hatten ja teilweise tolle Stücke, doch nach den großen Zeiten von Uematso (da zähle ich XII auch zu, da viele Stücke auf ihn zurückgehen) viel es da gewaltig ab!
Und die neue Leiterin - Yoko Shimomura glaube ich...ich muss mal in ihre bisherigen Spiele reinhören. Oder kennt einer spontan was die so gemacht hat!?


down the rabbit hole
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PSN-Name: Der_Hutmacher
Yoko Shimomura ist eigtl. auch ein Urgestein was Game Scores betrifft, z.B. der Score von KH1/KH2 Legend of Mana waren u.a. von ihr.

Hier mal ein paar Hörproben:




Zuletzt editiert:

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Final Fantasy Versus XIII was re-revealed as Final Fantasy XV just over a week ago, and the fallout from the brand-new series number is just beginning to settle. Originally, the game was intended to be on PlayStation 3 alone, but now slated for next-generation consoles, the game will be coming to PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. The team cites “several reasons” for the generational leap in this week’s Famitsu. Director Tetsuya Nomura was available, as well as Visual Field Director Takeshi Nozue and co-director Hajime Tabata (Final Fantasy Type-0, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII).

During his on-air E3 Square Enix Presents interview, director Tetsuya Nomura commented that the game was being developed in a PC environment, and that platforms that best support DirectX 11 will be likely candidates for the game’s appearance. While this may rule out a WiiU debut, it has led some PC fans to wonder if Square Enix will throw a bone their way.

Yoshihisa Hashimoto, Square Enix’s Chief Technology Officer, has lead the charge into the next-generation for the company with the Luminous Engine that will host games such as Final Fantasy XV. A PC version is currently undecided, but “collaborations” with Luminous Studio are planned for the future. The game, as per the team, will require a top of the line (expensive) machine to run. It’s because of this point that they want to see what the “demand” will be from the PC audience (which is your cue to let them know that you want it).

Previously, Final Fantasy games were developed on a “lead console” and ported to other systems such as Final Fantasy XIII. Final Fantasy XI was originally designed to fit within the capabilities of the PlayStation 2 and its hard disk drive, though support outside Japan was dropped when the console’s production eventually ceased. Such is the case with a Final Fantasy XV Xbox One version.

While Sony has touted PlayStation Vita will support Cross-Platform Play with PlayStation 4, Square Enix is considering the handheld for use with Final Fantasy XV. In addition to Vita, tablets and smartphones are on the table for various features.

Combat in Final Fantasy XV is taking a turn for more action as the above gameplay video illustrates. The team has taken a directional shift away from turn-based or time-based (ATB) combat for an entirely new direction. The team commented that one feature being added to the game is the ability to climb onto monsters in battle. A concept similar to this could be seen in the Final Fantasy Versus XIII 2011 trailer when Noctis was able to use combat vehicles (tanks, magitek). Noctis uses a behemoth’s horns to launch himself in the air in the newest gameplay trailer above.

You’ll also be able to switch between the three characters in your party at any time. Noctis, Gladiolus, and Prompto have been featured in footage thusfar, but we have yet to see the return of Ignis in combat or the newly-revealed Cor.

Final Fantasy executive producer Shinji Hashimoto hopes that traditional Final Fantasy fans won’t be disappointed and will embrace the shift away from Active Time Battle (a 22-year old convention) and Square Enix is looking forward to hearing feedback about the action-oriented combat. He also assures us that we will be hearing more about the game soon, and that the “dishonest” days of withholding information about games in development for months is at an end.


Held vom Erdbeerfeld
Bei dem Lied "Somnus" aus dem originalen Versus XIII Trailer bekomme ich noch heute Gänsehaut.
It's that good. :)

Ich mache mir wegen Yoko keine Sorgen. Natürlich hoffe ich heute noch, dass Uematsu den Score wieder übernimmt aber er selber merkt auch, wie weit SE weg ist von einem echten FF. Meines wissens nach, hat er ja den Score zu FFXIV gemacht aber dieser wurde nicht (?) mit in den Reboot "A Realm Reborn" übernommen, was ich SEHR schade finde...

Sollte sich der Score wie "Somnus" so durch das ganze Spiel ziehen, könnte XV tatsächlich wieder ein waschechtes FF werden! :)