Go!Messenger Nickname Liste!

PSN-Name: Shefqet
Fangt an!

Shefqet = x.shefqet.x
hostes = hostes
Devil-of-Tora = devil_of_tora
Silent`` = eloquent
Byakuya = byakuyasab
serginho5 = serginho5
spielmacher1991 = spielmacher1991
LordDark91 = lorddark91
Weedsmoka06 = Weedsmoka06
Tomyi = tomyi
BiLiB = hsbilib
Timo = rey80000
pterpan = pterpan
NiFa18 = nifa18
King Trode = trode
da-ticka = spartan1337
KingKolja = kolja815
bastiHST = basti90
PSN-Name: elsilentio
Spielt gerade: ni no kuni
mahhh das kommt dauernd bei mir -.-

Error 500--Internal Server Error
From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error

The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling the request.
PSN-Name: gtidriver
Spielt gerade: Polo
Hab mal ne frage! Hab mir denn clienten auch mal für dennpc geladen!
Aber eskommt immer eine fehlermeldung

"! We were unable to connect you to BT Softphone 2,please check that you have entered your details cirrectly.If you are a new user,click on the find out more.... link bekow to register with Go!Messenger to use the service . Please note that it can take up to 20 minutes before your username can be used! [BTS_30401]"

weiss vielleicht jmd was das sein kann?