Final Fantasy XV

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Versus kommt erst irgendwann nach März 2014

This information comes from Square Enix’s Shinji Hashimoto…

- Developed on DirectX 11
- Xbox One port confirmed
- In-game footage shown to the press
- Notcis fighting Behemoth
- It’s the scene from the original trailer in real-time
- Showing warping mechanics going up a building and fighting enemies
- Team attacks, real time weapon switching, advanced combos, aerial abilities, etc
- Stealth
This information comes from Shinji Hashimoto…

- Kingdom Hearts III and Final Fantasy XV coming to PS4 and Xbox One worldwide – Japan included
- Development of Versus XIII got so big they felt now was the right time to announce the change with next gen consoles arriving
- Each FF game has different mechanics, so for FFXV they wanted an action-packed game system. But it’s not necessarily indicative of future games
- Hashimoto says it was not difficult to stick to the FF formula, hopes fans will enjoy the new game systems in FFXV
- Hashimoto replies that they have many teams, but there is an Osaka team working on KH 1.5 HD ReMIX and BBS. They are developing KH3
- Reiterates that action-based combat is better suited for FFXV, and wants the dev team to be flexible with the difficulty of the game
- On why FFXV isn’t exclusive: Mentions FF XI and FF XIII were available on Xbox consoles, hopes fans understand why FFXV is multiplatform
- Many wonderful supporting staff helping to ensure Nomura sticks to the dev schedule
- When asked about Final Fantasy Type-0 or Final Fantasy for Vita, said focus right now is on FF X/X-2 HD
- On Kingdom Hearts III for Wii U: Since KH3 is developed using DirectX 11, the hardware needs to be “appropriate” for that game.
- Hashimoto says Square Enix needs to be more flexible in regards to what systems they release software on to attract more fans
- Says Agni’s Philosophy is not a game, and was just a tech demo. FFXV will use Luminous Engine.
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Hab auch nix zu meckern. Was aus der Bone wurde konnte SE ja nicht ahnen als man mit der Entwicklung angefangen hat und in der letzten Gen war MS für den US Markt nicht unwichtig weswegen es halt auch FF XIII und FF XIII-2 bzw. sogar einen Konsolenexclusive mit The Last Remnant gab. FF XV und KH3 klingt nach einem guten Einstieg in die Gen.
Und dieses Mal müssen sie keine große RÜcksicht auf die Xbox nehmen, da ja auch BlueRay und sehr ähnliche Hardware!
Ich freue mich auf eine neue FF Erfahrung.
Aber erst kommen ja noch X/X-2 HD und XIII-3! :-)
systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Jironimo
Spielt gerade: Kingdom Hearts 3
nun wieder ein fahrgast der ff 15 hypetrain .... shuu shuuu

schneller entwickeln 2015 is zulange (opptimistisch betrachtet)

wenn das hält wasses verspricht (ich hoffs inständig) wird das so eine bombe kanns kaum abwarten

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel


Uhh mann als er den Eisen Titan mehrmals geblockt hat:shock:
Und der Behemoth war sehr geil!
Dayumm sieht das beautiful aus~happy~
Details from Nomura on the livestream.

-They shifted the game to next-gen and made it a mainline title due to the scale/scope.
-The game is an action RPG, but there are command system elements in the game.
-Noctis is "not cool inside" and not a cool dude, but a quirky dude.
-Party members are a core part of Final Fantasy, so there is a party in this game.
-Noctis can teleport himself into the sky. Though he's not a gravity wizard, Noctis does not fall at a Newtonian rate for gameplay purposes.
-The current generation console versions were canceled about a year ago. They're still working to improve the graphics on the next-gen version.
-They are making games in DirectX 11 on PC and then porting them to the PS4 and Xbox One since they can handle that. They can consider any platform that support high end DirectX 11 level hardware functionality and horsepower. (Hey Square, that DX11 PC dev platform you mentioned earlier can run this! Just saying!)
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Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel

Schon erstaunlich, vor ein paar Jahren noch beim betrachten dieses Gifs dachte ich mir immer:
Ja wunschdenken, so wird nie im Leben ein FF aussehen und sich spielen(AJrpg)
Und jetzt haben wir Versus

Das könnte ne Team Attack sein so wie Prompto da erscheint aus dem Licht.

FUCK mir fällt schwer zu glauben dass das echt ist :ugly: im mindfucked... Wahnsinn :D
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