Catherine Full Body

PSN-Name: Sir_Kinta
Spielt gerade: Final Fantasy XIV: ARR
Neuer Schwierigkeitsgrad für alle die nur die Story erleben wollen? Das wäre ziemlich cool. Habe das Orginal zwar auf Platte, aber leider war ich zu dumm für Rätsel unter Zeitdruck xD
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psst :D
Bestätigt ist noch nichts, allerdings deutet es drauf hin und war zu vermuten.
Und kann mir nicht vorstellen, dass Atlus da versucht was zu verschleiern. Die sind mittlerweile einfach zu "straight forward" um mit irgendwas zu überraschen.

---------- Beitrag um 13:37 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 13:30 Uhr ----------

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Catherine: Full Body for PS4 and PS Vita Gets First 1080p Screenshots, Info on Additional Elements

---------- Beitrag um 16:27 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 16:26 Uhr ----------

There won’t be just new episodes related to the new heroine, but new endings will be added to the two original heroines as well. Every “Catherine” will approach Vincent more aggressively, stylishly, and erotically. There will be new animated cutscenes, and a number of new “bold and sexy” events, letting players taste the “full-bodied” version of this new Catherine along with additional elements and more fulfilling options.

There are good news for players that could not enjoy the original game. The remake has settings that will ensure that everyone can reach the end, with playability-related options greatly improved. The puzzle-action part of the game will include a “revolutionary” system so that everyone can enjoy it.

For those who instead want to play some deeper puzzle-action, there is a new mode, but you can opt to play in “Original Mode” as well. Basically, there is something for everyone, including those who played the original game, those who are good at puzzle gameplay, and those who are not. It’s the “definitive” version of the game.

The new character, nicknamed Rin, has been hired to play the piano at the bar that Vincent and his friends hang out at. She has a very straightforward and gentle personality, yet she gives the impression of lacking a bit in common sense. Her real name and age are unknown, and the mystery surrounding her draws attention, even if she has no notion of that herself. She makes an effort to support Vincent when he is bothered by his nightmares, showing the player a new set of values.
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und beste Stimme
warum es ne Auswahl der Stimmen gibt keine Ahnung, aber hier eine die Gratis dabei ist
und gegen Bezahlung

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