
systems, systems
PSN-Name: gc_made
Ab ca 600 WP funktioniert das nicht mehr

---------- Beitrag um 01:02 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 00:17 Uhr ----------

- Added a dialog to remind Trainers that they should not play while traveling above a certain speed. Trainers must confirm they are not driving in order to continue playing
- Made improvements to the accuracy of a curveball throw
- Fixed a bug that prevented ”Nice,” ”Great,” and “Excellent” Poké Ball throws from awarding the appropriate experience bonuses
- Fixed achievements showing incorrect Medal icons
- Enabled the ability for Trainers to change their nickname one time, so please choose your new nickname wisely
- Resolved issues with the battery saver mode and re-enabled this feature
- Added visuals of Team leaders - Candela, Blanche and Spark
- We're currently testing a variation of the "Nearby Pokémon" feature with a subset of users. During this period you may see some variation in the nearby Pokémon UI.
- Minor text fixes

ehm... okay
PSN-Name: blacksheep1987
Spielt gerade: an meiner Nudel
Ab ca 600 WP funktioniert das nicht mehr

---------- Beitrag um 01:02 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 00:17 Uhr ----------

ehm... okay
Find ich scheiße!!!

Wenn schon will ich ein Aquana, die haben mehr Lebenspunkte, die Flamaras sind ja sofort Tod.

Seit dem Update zeigts mir keine Pokemons mehr in der Arbeit an, entweder sind da keine mehr oder sie sind nicht nah genug oder die Anzeige spinnt.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: verrückt
Neue Nearby feature
Bin mal gespannt wie lange es dauert bis es alle haben.
Tested out this tracker for the last 20 minutes so here are my initial observations/impressions.
Each picture by the Pokemon is a PokeStop.
When you click the View button (picture 2), it pans out to picture 3. It then resets to the normal view of your character, but the PokeStop will still have the paw icon above it. Example
I have yet to see an icon that's 1 or 2 paws, but the Pokemon don't seem to be that far away from the designated PokeStop. I found the Pidgey within a block of that stop.
If the Pokemon despawns, you'll get a notification that the Pokemon has fled and it will disappear from your nearby list and will be replaced by another Pokemon.
- I'm assuming the 'Sightings' part of the tracker may be Pokemon that are within walking distance from you. The Spearow from picture 1 popped up right in front of me before I went to search for the Pidgey. So it appears the Nearby portion is only for Pokemon near PokeStops a bit farther from you.
I'll play around with it a little more tonight. Will update if I notice anything else.
Edit: Looks like Pokemon right in front of you WILL show up on the Nearby tracker. This confirms that the icon will only display 3 paws. I didn't notice this earlier, but the highlighted PokeStop will have it's own radar ring around it. This probably means the Pokemon you're tracking will be within the radar ring. Also, I snapped the picture at a bad time - the PokeStop ring is just as big as your character ring. Knowing that, now I'm assuming that the 'Sightings' part of the tracker is for Pokemon not near a PokeStop.
Edit2: Based on some testing of when the Nearby Pokemon disappear and reappear, it looks like the max distance for this tracker is roughly 500 meters.
Zuletzt editiert:
habt ihr probleme mit arena-kämpfen? also wenn mehr als 2 drin sind ist es fast unmöglich die arena einzunehmen, weil mein char immer wild hin und her rennt und den arena bereich verlässt auch wenn ich mich nicht bewege. sind meine gps einstellungen falsch oder ist sowas bekannt? kann die kämpfe zwar beenden, besiege alle pokemon, bekomme die arena punkte EP, aber die gegnerischen pokemon bleiben trotzdem drin. woran liegts?

Ensure that Wi-Fi is also turned on throughout the game, even if your phone is not connected to a network.
macht ihr das auch so?
Zuletzt editiert:
PSN-Name: blacksheep1987
Spielt gerade: an meiner Nudel
Bis jetzt funktioniert die Trackeranzeige deutlich besser wie vorm Update, die Tiere sind wirklich halbwegs in der Nähe und man findet sie auch.
Der Radius wurde deutlich eingeschränkt, bin schon gespannt wies dann mit dem neuem System läuft.
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
Spielt gerade: verrückt
Mal andere Leute fragen, vllt kennt jemand einen guten Ort in der Nähe. Wir haben hier zb einen kleinen Pfad, da sind auf paar hundert Meter extrem viele Pokestops. Sonst halt auch immer sehr verteilt.
Bzgl Schlangen auspacken:
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PSN-Name: maxmontezuma
Spielt gerade: Hogwarts Legacy
Even after undergoing surgery in June 2014, Iwata said, "I still have unfinished business."

He made his last public appearance at an annual Nintendo shareholders meeting at the end of June 2015 before passing away two weeks later.

He continued to work in a hospital room until the last moment, using his favorite PC and exchanging views on "Pokemon Go" with Tsunekazu Ishihara, the Pokemon Company's president and his close friend.

Iwata had an unshakable belief in his company's products. Many Nintendo fans are children, so he was critical of conventional smartphone games.

"Children can enjoy 'Pokemon Go' without spending too much money. This is probably what Iwata-san aimed for," said an executive at a game-related company who knew Iwata well.

Mal ne Frage an euch:
Ihr habt zwei identische Pokemon (z.B. Habitak).
1. Habitak: WP83 - 1,56kg
2. Habitak: WP75 - 2,11kg

Welches würdet ihr verschicken?
Bzw. wie viel Wert legt ihr auf das Gewicht der Pokemon?

Sollte man auf die Größe auch achten?

Danke! :)