Singularity - Quantic Dreams PS4 Spiel?


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Ist natürlich nicht das Cover ;)

Hersteller: Sony?
Entwickler: Quantic Dream
Genre: ?
Anzahl der Spieler: ?
Technische Daten(Auflösung/Framerate): 720p /1080p? / 4k????? :ugly:
Distributions Format:
Kompatible Peripherie:
Preis (UVP):
Release Datum: ?




Weitere Infos in der Datenbank:

Bereits im November des letzten Jahres registrierte das französische Studio Quantic Dreams die Domain Der Entwickler hat bereits Heavy Rain exklusiv für Sony und die PS3 abgeliefert und arbeitet momentan an Beyond, ebenfalls exklusiv für die PS3. Zu beiden Spielen hat man im Vorfeld die Domains und registriert. Wenn man jetzt 1 und 1 zusammenzählt, dann sieht es so aus, als ob Quantic Dreams mit seinem neuen zweiten Team an einem ersten Spiel für die PS4 arbeitet - Singularity.

reg_created: 2012-11-05 09:01:58
expires: 2015-11-05 09:01:58
created: 2012-11-05 10:01:58
changed: 2012-11-05 10:01:59
transfer-prohibited: yes
nic-hdl: GDF12-GANDI
owner-name: QUANTIC DREAM SA
organisation: QUANTIC DREAM SA
person: ~
address: '56, boulevard DAVOUT'
zipcode: 75020
city: Paris
country: France
phone: +33.144640090
fax: +33.144640089
lastupdated: 2012-07-13 11:16:39
nic-hdl: GDF12-GANDI
owner-name: QUANTIC DREAM SA
organisation: QUANTIC DREAM SA
person: ~
address: '56, boulevard DAVOUT'
zipcode: 75020
city: Paris
country: France
phone: +33.144640090
fax: +33.144640089
lastupdated: 2012-07-13 11:16:39
nic-hdl: GDF12-GANDI
owner-name: QUANTIC DREAM SA
organisation: QUANTIC DREAM SA
person: ~
address: '56, boulevard DAVOUT'
zipcode: 75020
city: Paris
country: France
phone: +33.144640090
fax: +33.144640089
lastupdated: 2012-07-13 11:16:39
nic-hdl: GDF12-GANDI
owner-name: QUANTIC DREAM SA
organisation: QUANTIC DREAM SA
person: ~
address: '56, boulevard DAVOUT'
zipcode: 75020
city: Paris
country: France
phone: +33.144640090
fax: +33.144640089
lastupdated: 2012-07-13 11:16:39
FOX_DIE dazu:

Quantic Dream soll Mitte November die Domain "" eingetragen haben.

Die Domain würde sich glaubhaft in bereits bekannten Domains wie "" und "" reihen.

Fakt: Singularity ist ein bereits erschienenes Videospiel von Raven Software aus dem Jahre 2010. Dieser Titel wäre also schonmal nicht möglich.

Feststellung: "" würde auf eine Next-Gen Konsole namens Playstation 4 hinweisen. Muss, wie "Singularity", aber nicht der Fall sein.

Gemunkel: Die bereits bekannte Tech Demo "KARA" könnte mit diesem Titel in Zusammenhang stehen. Quantic Dream wird diese Tech Demo nicht aus Jucks und Dollerei erstellt haben. Ein futuristischer Titel wie "Singularity" würde ebenso zu jener Tech Demo passen. Es besteht also die Möglichkeit, dass die Stimmung, Design oder sonst was der Tech Demo sich in diesem Titel wiederfinden werden.

Der Frage, ob "KARA" nur eine Tech-Demo sei oder das Setting zu einem unbekannten Spiel Bezug hätte, ist David Cage angeblich geschickt ausgewichen weiterlesen

Dass Quantic Dream an mehreren Projekten arbeitet bestätigt er in einem Interview: anschauen ab 9:00
Zuletzt editiert:


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Hier nochmal das Video, dass etwas damit zu tun haben könnte :)

---------- Beitrag um 23:43 Uhr hinzugefügt ---------- Vorheriger Beitrag um 23:42 Uhr ----------


Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
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PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Quantic Dream’s PS4 project: “You’d be amazed” by it, says Cage
Beyond: Two Souls creator David Cage has shed some light on the scope of Quantic Dream’s yet-unannounced PS4 title in a new interview.

Speaking with CVG, Cage said, “Trust me, if I showed you what we’re doing with the PS4 you would be amazed. It’s another world”.

Cage stressed that the PS4′s additional clout is liberating, and said, “Generally it will give us more subtlety, more nuance, more detail. New hardware provides new technologies that allow you to be more subtle. And that in itself does change the developer’s incentives.

“I probably wouldn’t have attempted Beyond on PS2 because I wouldn’t have thought I could get there. There would have been certain trade-offs.”.

He added on Beyond “We could have made just a sequel with Beyond. We could have gone with the same template and just fill the holes with different characters. But I started with a blank page and imagined completely different things. I don’t want to replicate the same things. The engine is completely different. We have built it from scratch”.

Cage’s chatter follows domain registrations for a PS4 project called Singularity, rumoured to be in development at Quantic Dream as you read this. Check out the full story here.

Greek God

Dynamic Entry into Ark Blast
systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems, systems
PSN-Name: Greek-God88
Spielt gerade: Cold Steel
Quantic Dream director and writer David Cage has discussed the creation of the studio’s PS4 tech demo ‘The Dark Sorcerer’, and has confirmed that the studio will use the tech in its next project.

During the E3 stage presentation above, Cage said, “We usually use these shorts just to use the technology and test the tech we are going to use in the next projects. With The Casting and Kara, we had dramatic emotions, which was something very interesting to us – how can we make people feel this drama using real-time technologies?

“But before working on The Dark Sorcerer we thought, ‘OK, what else can we do with this tech? Should we do drama again, or should we try something different? And there as one emotion that very few people tried in the past, in realtime 3D. It’s comedy. How can we make people smile – if not laugh in front of this tech? – Can we write something that can make you smile?”

The challenge was set by the studio internally, and The Dark Sorcerer project was born.